你作业时曾遇到什么困难?在遇到困难时你第一个反应是什么?第一个解决步骤是什么?你的解决方式和结果如何?(when faced with a difficult problem, what is your usually your first reaction? After that, how do you generally move to solve the problem?)
Share with me about a time when you had to examine a large date set or do extensive research in order to solve a problem. What was your process and what was the outcome?
(缺少指导面对复杂问题)Please describe for me about a time when you had little guidance when approaching a complex problem. How did you proceed and what was the outcome?
Your problem solving strategy and an example.(解决问题的步骤是什么)
(适应新情境)What skills do you utilize when adapting to new and/or unfamiliar situation?
(无法改变的问题)when faced with a problem/situation you can not change, how do you handle it?
what would you do when facing tough projects and a tight deadline.
(快到ddl)If you are going to fail to meet an important deadline, what do you do.
(简单问题复杂方法、复杂问题简单方法?)Which one do you prefer, solving easy problems with complicated solution or solving complicated problems with easy solution
Tell me a time when you had to analyze information and made recommendation (事例答題法)
(遇见难题说不会还是编造答案)What do you do when you don't know the answer to a question? Is it better to pretend that you know the answer and make one up, or is it better to admit that you don't know? Give an example of this from your life.(二分法)